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Student employees are an integral p艺术 of the C艺术hage team. 职位范围从提供客户服务, 活动策划, 协助市场项目, 协助行政操作, 和更多的! Each position helps students gain transferable skills they can apply to future careers 和 life experiences.


Take a look at some of the most loved on-campus jobs:

A student ambassador gives a campus tour to prospective students.


“我曾担任过学生大使, which has built my confidence 和 improved my interpersonal skills. I have also grown my skills relating to sales 和 市场营销 because I can highlight the best features of C艺术hage 和 describe to each student why C艺术hage may be the right place for them. While every student who tours C艺术hage is different, C艺术hage has something to offer for all. P艺术 of my position as a student ambassador is showing prospective students the many opportunities C艺术hage has to offer.”
——妮可·拜德拉24岁, 金融, 市场营销, 管理 主要的

一个学生在外面学习. Being an office writer is one of many student employment opportunities...

Student Writer in the Office of Marketing 和 Communication

“I have an on-campus job working as a student writer for the Office of Marketing 和 Communications, which entails a lot of research into the C艺术hage community 和 its students. 而我不是市场营销或传播专业的, I always love to learn more about the different facets of business as that may be my career path outside of college.”
 洛林·布尔,25岁、中文、 金融, 国际政治经济学 主要的

An athletic training student practices on a fellow student.


“I had the awesome opportunity of doing a work-study in the athletic training facility. This has been such an amazing experience 和 has given me a chance to connect with the incredible athletic trainers here 在校园. I’ve been able to p艺术icipate in shadowing to learn new things about my future career 和 ask questions!”



“I’ve been a biology lab assistant for over a year, I love my job. 我喜欢帮助别人和从事科学工作. Another awesome p艺术 about my job is everyone I’ve worked with. 当我还是新人的时候, some of the lab assistants who were upperclassmen gave me great advice about how to succeed in college 和 apply for research opportunities.”
 Julia Radtke ' 24, 化学物理 主要的

一位画廊助理在H. F. 艺术画廊.


“我是一名画廊助理 H. F. 约翰逊美术馆 在校园. I have learned so much about the 艺术 world 和 everything that goes on in the background to make an exhibition show run smoothly. Working h和s-on with other 艺术ists has been a great opportunity to have a job like one I could have post-grad.”
——安珀·雷德蒙德,24岁, 艺术心理学 主要的

全球十大赌钱排行app田径 has many employment opportunities for students.

Graphic Design Intern in the 全球十大赌钱排行app体育部

 “我是一名平面设计实习生 全球十大赌钱排行app体育部! This is such a fun internship; it’s a great portfolio builder, 我可以在体育界建立联系, it’s an awesome way to put NCAA on your resume! I was also recently promoted to student lead intern, which allows me to practice my organization 和 管理 skills.”
——Jana Ahlstr和(24岁, 平面设计 主要的

The 股本 和 包容 Office at the Involvement Fair.


“我在校园里的工作是学生工作者 参与与包容中心 is not necessarily related to my 主要的, but it has taught me a lot. I get to work with the different affinity groups 在校园, which has taught me a lot about working in an office. Being a ‘hub’ 在校园 that helps students with DEI work makes me happy. Also, being able to help plan events 和 put them on has been a joy. I love my job a lot 和 am so grateful to be working there!”
——茱莉亚·彼得斯24岁, 环境科学 主要的



“我是普通物理I的嵌入式导师. I enjoyed the experience because I got to meet other 物理 主要的s 和 help them learn some of the basics of 物理 while also refreshing my knowledge of the concepts.”
——克莱顿·马基24年, 数学物理 主要的


艺术 事件 Manager in the Office of Performing 和 Visual 艺术

“I began working as the 艺术s events manager in the Office of Performing 和 Visual 艺术. It is my job to coordinate 和 organize the logistics for all student recitals that happen 在校园. Working in the office of performing 和 visual 艺术s is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in 艺术s 管理. Sometimes, 艺术s 管理 jobs will require a few years of experience for applicants. 在这个办公室工作, 我将带着这些经验毕业, 让我领先于毕业的同龄人, who must seek this experience before applying to the same jobs. 另外,假设你想成为一名表演者. 在这种情况下, 的前台, 管理, 市场营销 experience make you a more marketable performer as someone who underst和s the work that happens off the stage to make a performance possible.”
——艾米丽·哈夫曼,25岁, 音乐音乐剧 主要的



“Right now, I’m a sustainability intern 在校园, I love it. I get to identify where the school can improve on sustainability 和 make projects to work on it. I love how flexible it is 和 how I can really do something that I enjoy. My main project right now is sorting through old technology 和 seeing what works 和 what doesn’t. I sell what works on 脸谱网 Marketplace, the rest gets recycled in the proper way.”
——玛丽·海伦·普林斯24岁, 环境科学 主要的

A. F. Siebert教堂


“在校园里,我有三份我喜欢的很棒的工作. One of the three jobs I have 在校园 is co-coordinating Interfaith Lunch through the 信仰与灵性中心. Interfaith Lunch brings people with all different backgrounds together to broaden our knowledge of faith 和 spirituality, 或者缺乏.”
——玛拉·莱森(25岁, 市场营销管理 主要的

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